We are taking care about Approach.

We are taking care about Result and The Process.

We are taking care about Design, Form and Function.

We love Technology, as a part of our World.

We Love Nature And The Creator.

We hope to become like just for 0.0000001%

We dont like Art, Especially wnen that’s the pure Marketing.

You are Welcome.

We’re Designing.by, your Tactic or Strategic as you Wish, or depending on you Goals, Bureau in Industrial, Product Design and Engineering.

Designing.by develops ideas from Design Concept to total Engineering Implementation.

We are always sensitive to the shape and usability of the objects we create.

Behind the scene, Designing.by defines the environment making familiar Tools, Objects and Devices are crystal clear and Convenient.

Whether we make a luxury Product for exclusive usage or an intelligent E-mobilty item for Industrial Production, or a Simple piece of furniture, using it once, you’ll definitely refuse life without this thing. We Believe.

You can be sure, our Approach in Industrial Design and Engineering will permanently highlight your product among others.

We forgot to be Modest.

But We Take care about Project Confidentiality And Clients Privacy.

We are EU based Industrial & Product Design Bureau.